What Causes Bad Breath? | Bad Breath Treatment

What Causes Bad Breath? | Bad Breath Treatment

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Bad breath is a condition that can become embarrassing by disturbing the person. The reason for the presence of odour in the mouth is usually due to the person’s inability to fully maintain oral hygiene.

However, if there is a long-term and disturbing odour despite oral hygiene, this may also develop due to other diseases. The causes of bad breath that does not go away for a long time must be investigated.

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It is generally considered physiologically normal to have a disturbing odour in the morning.

It is the result of the food eaten or drunk in the evening entering between the teeth and accumulating on the tongue. This odour is not permanent and will disappear after brushing the teeth and oral care is performed.

What Are The Causes Of Bad Breath?

Poor oral hygiene, gum problems, dental caries, dry mouth and inflammations can be counted as oral causes of bad breath.

Sometimes non-oral factors can cause this condition. These may be caused by sinusitis, stomach and intestinal diseases, diabetes. If you have bad breath, you should definitely be examined by a dentist.

Treatment Summary

This content is for informational purposes only. For detailed information, you can contact us via WhatsApp or by filling out the free consultation form.

It is recommended that a healthy person should have an oral and dental examination twice a year.

How to Treat Bad Breath?

If bad breath is caused by tooth decay or infection in the gums, the dentist can treat bad breath by applying the most appropriate treatment methods. Dental calculus is another factor that causes bad breath and should be cleaned once a year.

If bad breath does not disappear after the necessary treatments are performed by the dentist and good oral care is provided, then other underlying causes can be looked for.

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