What Is Apical Resection? | Root Canal Treatment - Dr. Birkan Duras

What Is Apical Resection? | Root Canal Treatment

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Apical resection (Root Tip Treatment) procedure; It is a surgical procedure performed for infections occurring in the tooth root. It is applied when the infection in the tooth cannot be removed by root canal treatment or other treatments.

The procedure requires the removal of the infected part of the root and the surrounding inflamed tissue to cure the inflammation and protect the tooth.

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In Which Cases is Apical Resection Performed?

In order to perform apical resection, at least one root canal treatment must have been performed and failed.

However, this method can also be used in some cases listed below:

  • Injuries that damage the tooth root,
    In cases where the jaw structure anatomically does not allow root canal treatment,
  • In case a problematic tooth root compresses other tooth roots.
  • When the anatomical jaw structure of the person is not suitable for the procedure, when the person has some systematic and chronic disorders or when the tooth root is smaller than normal, apical resection cannot be performed.
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Treatment Summary

This content is for informational purposes only. For detailed information, you can contact us via WhatsApp or by filling out the free consultation form.

Apical resection is also known as apicectomy or root tip surgery.

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How is Apical Resection Performed?

Lokal anestezi altında yapılan bu cerrahi operasyon öncesinde hastadan diş röntgeni istenir ve enfeksiyonlu dişin durumu incelenir.

Enfeksiyonun yayılımı tespit edilir, ardından ameliyatla enflamasyonun derecesine bağlı olarak kök ucu ve çevresindeki enfekte doku çıkarılır. Kapsamlı bir dezenfeksiyondan sonra diş kapatılır.

İşlem ağrısızdır ve anestezi altında yapılır, bu nedenle hasta işlem sırasında herhangi bir ağrı hissetmez. İşlem sonrası bölgede biraz ağrı ve şişlik, bazı durumlarda da morarma olabilir.

What Should Be Considered After Apical Resection?

After this surgical procedure, the specialist will advise the patient on the points to be considered.

Some points to be considered after the procedure are as follows:

  • It is necessary to apply ice to the area for 10 to 12 hours after the operation and rest during this period.
  • The treated area may bruise and swell. The day after the procedure, the swelling may increase. This is a normal reaction after tooth root treatment.
  • To ensure healing, it is necessary to avoid brushing the tooth in the area, smoking or consuming hard foods for the period recommended by the doctor.
  • The lip should not be lifted up to examine the treated tooth, and abnormal mouth movements should not be made. This may loosen the sutures.
  • There may be some numbness in the area for a while after the operation. This does not mean that the nerves are damaged.
  • It is sufficient to take over-the-counter painkillers to relieve the pain that may occur.
  • The stitches are removed 2 to 7 days after the procedure. Full recovery is usually achieved 14 days after the procedure.
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